Leadership at the university of California
The University of California is one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, but its excellence comes from a culture that encourages participation from all levels of its organisation. The leadership structure at UC allows faculty, staff and students to be heard and make decisions about their university. This article will explore this unique structure and how it allows for such incredible innovation and success within the UC system.
UC Leadership Council
The UC Leadership Council (UCLC) is a body of leaders from across the UC system who advise UCOP on all matters related to leadership development. The UCLC has many subcommittees that focus on different areas of UC:
- Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Committee – this subcommittee focuses on issues related to student affairs, including admissions, financial aid and scholarships; student services; campus life; academic standards & policies; health & wellness programs for students and faculty/staff members alike; international programs at each campus (including study abroad opportunities); citizenship education initiatives like Becoming American–an initiative designed specifically for undocumented students who want help transitioning into higher education institutions after high school graduation but before earning their first college degree(s).
- Diversity & Inclusion Committee – this group works closely with other groups within Student Affairs, such as Diversity Programs Office (DPO), Asian Pacific American Resource Center (APARC), Black Student Union (BSU) etc., as well as other organizations outside our community such as Association of Latinos/as Motivating Action Through Education (ALMA), National Association For Female Executives’ Southern California Chapter (“NAFEM”), Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance Los Angeles Chapter (“APALA”) etc., in order not only share best practices but also develop new initiatives together across campuses so we may better serve our communities here at UCLA.”
University of California Office of the President
The president’s office is the top administrator of the University of California system. The president is appointed by the UC Regents, who are responsible for overseeing all ten campuses, five medical centres and three national laboratories. The president reports to them on all UC policy and operations matters.
The next step in your leadership journey at the University of California will be learning how to navigate its structure as an organization so that you can effectively execute your tasks as part of a team or project within it.
Academic Senate Executive Committee (ESC)
- The ESC is the governing body of the Academic Senate. It consists of ASA’s chair and vice chairs and all standing committee chairs. The ESC meets approximately once per month to discuss issues related to academic quality, student success and faculty welfare at UC Berkeley.
Academic Senate Assembly (ASA)
The Academic Senate Assembly (ASA) is the legislative body of the Academic Senate. It comprises all CA members who are eligible to vote, including faculty and librarians. Members elect delegates to represent them on ASA by campus and college (or department). The president of each campus appoints at least one additional delegate from outside their academic unit as a representative for non-voting students and staff members; this appointment may be made from within another campus or college if there are no qualified nominees from that particular location.
The ASA meets twice yearly: once in March/April, when it elects new officers and establishes its agenda for meetings during the fall quarter, and again in September/October, when it considers proposals brought before it during summer recesses between academic years. Delegates pass legislation through votes at these meetings; however, final approval rests with the University Council, which meets quarterly throughout the year except during summer recesses when only its Executive Committee meets instead.
Student Advisory Board (SAB)
The Student Advisory Board (SAB) is a student-led organization that advises the UC President on matters related to higher education. SAB members are elected by the student body and appointed by the UC President. They serve one year of their respective academic years, from July 1st through June 30th.
Panels and Councils
The Academic Senate Executive Committee (ESC) is the leadership body of the Academic Senate Assembly (ASA), comprising all faculty, librarians and other academic appointees across UC. The ESC meets twice monthly to discuss issues related to academic freedom and tenure; it also oversees committees that deal with curriculum development and admission standards. The ASA meets annually during the Winter Quarter to vote on policies affecting students’ academic lives; this includes approving changes in admissions requirements like GPA minimums or standardized test scores required for admission into particular majors or programs of study at each campus throughout UC’s systemwide network of schools and colleges.
The Student Advisory Board (SAB) provides input from students on issues affecting their education at the University of California campuses across California’s ten-campus systemwide network.
The University of California has a system allowing input from its faculties, students, and staff.
The University of California has a system allowing input from its faculties, students, and staff. The university is a large institution with many stakeholders, making it challenging to get everyone on the same page regarding decisions that affect everyone’s interests. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try!
The best way to make sure your voice gets heard at UC is by attending meetings where these decisions are made. In addition to meeting with other members of your department or faculty senate (if applicable), participate in any meetings held by leaders within your college or school who may be making decisions about things you care about–like budgets or curricula changes–and ask questions if something seems unclear or unfair to you as an employee/student/faculty member at UC.