
Graduate School Student Resources

Ohio State University is a public research university located in Columbus, Ohio

Ohio State University is a public research university located in Columbus, Ohio. With 28,578 students enrolled for semester, OSU is the largest university in the state. The main campus is on over 2,000 acres of land near downtown Columbus. It is home to several notable landmarks, including Ohio Stadium, which seats more than 102,000 fans and is one of the largest stadiums in America. The university also has extensive satellite campuses throughout Ohio, including Mansfield (Stark County), Marion Military Institute (Marion County), Lima (Allen County), Newark (Licking County) and Wooster (Wayne County).

Graduate School and Directory

The Graduate School is the central administrative unit of Ohio State University. It advocates for graduate education and supports all graduate programs across campus, including admissions, financial aid, student life and career services.

The Graduate School Directory is an online tool that allows you to search for faculty members by name or department; locate courses offered at OSU; find contact information for departments and schools within each college/school; access academic calendars for each semester; view university policies related to graduate students (including those pertaining specifically toward international students).


The admissions process for the graduate program is a two-step process. The first step is to apply for admission to the university, which you can do online at www.osu.edu/admissions/. The next step is to apply for admission into your program of interest by following the instructions provided by your department or program director. In some cases, if you have already been admitted into OSU as an undergraduate student, this second step may be skipped. You will be automatically considered for admission into graduate school upon completing all requirements (e.g., bachelor’s degree) within two years from initial enrollment at OSU; however, this is not guaranteed and should only be assumed by checking with the appropriate office first!

Application deadlines vary depending on what semester you would like to start taking classes; however, most programs accept applications only for the fall semester, so don’t take your time!

International Requirements

International students must have a visa to study in the United States. If you are from a country not part of the US Visa Waiver Program, you must apply for an F-1 student visa. Suppose your country is part of this program but has yet to be denied entry. In that case, you must apply for an M-1 student visa (for those studying medicine or dentistry) or J-1 exchange visitor status (for those participating in cultural exchange programs).

Many students not from the US need to apply for a student visa before they can study here. You must note that you must do more than enter the country and begin exploring. You must undergo a rigorous application process, including obtaining an I-20 form from your school’s international office.

Course Registration

The course registration process is very similar to the undergraduate process, but some key differences exist. First, you’ll need to know what courses are available and when they’re offered. This information is found in the Course Catalogue on Buckeye Link (link).

Also, look at the Schedule of Classes (link), which lists all courses offered at any time in a semester or term. This will tell you when each class meets and what room it meets in; if there’s no location listed next to its name, then it won’t meet on campus at all–it may be an online course or one held off-campus somewhere else nearby like Columbus State Community College or Miami University Hamilton campus near Cincinnati OH 43245 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA.

If you have any further questions about registering for classes, please get in touch with Student Services at 614-292-6400


Postdocs are a great way to get experience in your field, but they can also be temporary or permanent. Postdocs are often paid and have the potential to lead to faculty positions. If you’re thinking about applying for one, here’s what you need to know:

  • What are postdocs? Postdoctoral fellowships offer research training and mentorship at universities worldwide, aiming to prepare scientists for future careers as professors who continue their research in their fields of expertise.
  • How do I find one? You’ll want to start by looking at websites like this one! They’ll help you search through thousands of available positions by location (state), type (university or independent), funding source, etc., so there’s no need for guesswork when deciding where would be best suited based on everything else going on in life right now (I’m looking at you).

Faculty and Staff

If you have questions about your program or the school, here is a list of faculty and staff who can help.

  • Name: Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 555-555-5555 (extension)

Name: Director of Graduate Admissions Email: [email protected] Phone: 555-555-5555 (extension) Name: Professor of Mathematics Email: [email protected] Phone: 555-555-5555 (extension)

Ohio State University offers resources to students in graduate school

As a graduate student, you can access various resources to help you succeed. The Graduate School offers programs in many fields and services for its students.

  • The Ohio State University Libraries are available to all students through their website or by phone at 614-292-6800.
  • The Office of Student Life has events such as free food truck lunches and movie nights on campus every week.